To get the latest version of Word Microscope, go to the download page and follow the instructions.
Learn more from the video-based introduction and scientific program guide by Pete Bowers (both are PDFs).
Getting Word Microscope
Word Microscope runs on PC under Windows. There isn't a Mac version. |
Paying for Word MicroscopeWe've disabled the payment system temporarily for a short time. In the meantime, you can continue to run the free trial version. A paid licence for this version of Word Microscope entitles you to run it without a time-limit. Download and install the latest version of Word Microscope before committing. The charge depends on the number of Word Microscope users you expect to have on your computers at any one time. There are discounts for multiple use. We sell in British pounds (GBP). PayPal will convert to your own currency. The base price is £42 GBP, which at the time of writing is around $55 in US dollars. We only respond by e-mail. When you pay, please make sure you provide a valid e-mail address! View our Buying Guide for more price options and for more details on how to choose the number of users. |
What is Word Microscope?Users of Word Microscope can peer inside a word to discover how it is built up. It helps you answer two questions about a word that improve both vocabulary and spelling:
The answers are usually both surprising and rewarding. By increasing your understanding of what makes up a single specimen word, Word Microscope helps you see connections with many new words, which are built in a similar way. Take a quick look now to see four brief steps in using Word Microscope. To see Word Microscope in action, view the videos and guides by Pete Bowers from WordWorks Kingston. They show many of its major features, while taking you through an investigation into the word <discovery>. Our aim is that Word Microcope will become a favourite computer tool for exploring the structure and morphology of written English words. |
What news?This news page is for you, if you'd like to know what we've been up to and where we are now. We'll be posting more information here periodically. Come and re-visit to see the latest additions. As well as this, don't forget our word building and spelling micro-site at The latest working version of the program for download is Word-Microscope-1-1-0. If you'd like to try out Word Microcope, just go to the download page and follow the instructions. We welcome suggestions for improvement. It's also useful to hear what works well, so we don't change something that's proven to be worthwhile. You may also be interested in our Mini Matrix-Maker, which is a simple web-based tool for building word matrices. It works on Mac, iPad and other platforms, as well as PC. |
Word-Microscope-1-1-0 - download the latest version 19 Oct 2013
Guide to Buying - choosing the number of users and other information 19 Nov 2013
Quick look - Word Microscope in a nutshell 13 Sep 2010
Introduction - start here if you're new to Word Microscope 3 Sep 2010
Hints for users (FAQ) - usage hints, based on your comments to us 18 Sep 2012
What's next - a summary of what we plan to do next, in response to your comments 10 Oct 2013
Version History - a list of what we've changed in each recent version 8 Oct 2013
Resources - external resources used in creating and running Word Microscope 13 Oct 2013
Video-based User Guide by Pete Bowers, on the WordWorks Kingston web-site.
Word Building and Spelling home page - main micro-site for investigating English morphology
Mini Matrix-Maker - a simple web-based tool for building word matrices