The Mini Matrix-Maker is protected by copyright. These conditions apply to the current version.
Mini Matrix-Maker is owned by Neil Ramsden, who holds the copyright and reserves all rights. It is made available to you for use by granting you a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence under the terms described here.
Most importantly, you may only use Mini Matrix-Maker from this web-site. You must not copy Mini Matrix-Maker for use elsewhere, not even on to your own computer to use offline.
Mini Matrix-Maker may change without notice, as might the contents of these conditions of use. We intend any changes to the program's functionality to be positive ones. Similarly, there is no guarantee of the availability of Mini Matrix-Maker. Our aim is to ensure it is available for continued use and to provide notice if it needs to be withdrawn or moved to another address.
Although you must not copy Mini Matrix-Maker tool for use elsewhere, you may save and share any Mini Matrix-Maker Results Page you produce, enabling others to see the matrix you have created and the input data you used.
Note that not all browsers save the Results Page in the way that you would wish. See the Help for more information. Another simple way to save a matrix is to copy and paste it from the screen. For example, MS Windows provides a Snip tool to do this.
If you plan to publish your matrices, eg. in a book or educational resource, then we ask for a simple acknowledgement that includes the name of the Mini Matrix-Maker and the matrix-maker web-page. The Results Page for your matrix has a minimal example.
Mini Matrix-Maker has been created to work on most computers and browsers. However, as with any software product, it is not always possible to create a program that will be compatible with every machine.
Mini Matrix-Maker is provided "as-is" with no warranty that it will operate correctly on your own computer or with your own browser. Moreover, Neil Ramsden shall not be liable in the unlikely event of any consequential loss arising from Mini Matrix-Maker.
You are responsible for the content of the matrices you produce: using Mini Matrix-Maker to produce a matrix does not imply that we endorse the decisions you take in your choice of inputs.
News and advice for Mini Matrix-Maker is provided at the Mini Matrix-Maker Home Page. While we welcome questions and comments by email, we do not provide a formal support arrangement.
Mini Matrix-Maker came together as a result of requests for a simple direct matrix creator. We hope you enjoy using it.